“What’s Your Story”
We write fiction and nonfiction
We want to create a community of writers where everyone can participate and get feedback.
We want to stress that our feedback will be “constructive and kind.” We want to nurture each other.
Cynthia Travis (writing a non-fiction work now), Class of 1959
I attended Radcliffe, before it merged with Harvard, and concentrated in Economics. After graduation I attended Harvard GSAS, also in Economics, and got ABD (all but dissertation). Back then, candidates had 7 years from completion of coursework to present their dissertation, so I figured there was no rush, and meanwhile we were starting a family and moving a lot. Much later, I got an MBA from San Diego State.
My professional career has been almost entirely in finance, consulting on accounting issues, writing and implementing code for banks, etc. I’m retired now but, for my last 15 years, I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. For Harvard, I served on its Schools and Scholarships Steering Committee and chaired the San Francisco Interviewers team, both for over a decade. ctravis@sonic.net
Gloria Wu, MD (AB ’75, Columbia MD ’81)
Author of three medical textbooks, publisher of ejournal, journalofasianhealth (2011-2020), author of 3 unpublished mystery novels. I am interested in fiction writing.
I have been taking creative writing courses for 10 years off and on. I love to write. In fact, I “need “ to write. I am working on a murder mystery set in 1987 and 2020 in COVID19. I have created 5 mobile apps for fun as well.
I am married to a cardiologist, I have 2 adult daughters, one in Los Angeles and one in Oakland. No grandchildren, no dogs or cats but I like Dachshunds. I love the youtube video of the cat, Hosico, who has a million followers. I am still practicing medicine which I love. gwu2550@gmail.com